(which at first really was aggravating me because those puzzles were freaking hard and then when you first fight El and his Ditto-Arceus that I at thought was a mandatory fight). There’s deep character customization, a choice to start in Johto or Kanto, and a massive roster of 30 starters. It turns the classic Pokmon Crystal into an open-world adventure that gives the player complete freedom.

I just got made it to Luna after saving her from the Arceus Cult. Pokmon Crystal Clear is one of the most ambitious ROM hacks ever made. (Even know when I'm facing Luna and holy crap that freaking Umbreon is a killer) Like where the heck do you find half that stuff since my current rotation is Greninja,Arcanine, Klingklang, Hitmonchan, Meowstic, Amoongus at high 50s and low to mid 60s and then I have a Kirlia (not sure what to evolve it into since its male though I'm thinking Gardevoir since I need that coverage) Noibat and Pichu I need to work with. A lot of hacks don’t have postgame content, but this one does, making it one of the best ROM hacks out there.
Oh tell me about it, like I've struggled just to put something of a decent team together and even though I always find like my Arcanine to be overleveled. From the numerous ROM hacks out there, this one gives you everything you’ll ever need, including a postgame full of compelling missions, battle facility challenges and additional Pokmon catching.

Its a really well made game with an interesting storyline, amazing graphics, and somewhat great level design. Currently I'm almost at Calcenon City literally abusing the good ol' parthner saves your whole damn team mechanic just to get everyone at around the low 70s. Currently my main rotation is Greninja, Gardevoir, Diggersby, Dusclops, Metagross, Sylveon, Ninetails, Gengar, Swampert, Noviern, and Heracross. Battle of Z is a team fighting action title that lets up to eight players battle it out against one another in a gameplay and graphical style similar to those of Dragon Ball: Zenkai Battle Royale.The game can have up to four players in cooperative play, and lets players perform attacks.
The whole Route 1 honey puzzle to get Heracross/Joltik was very tedious but I found out how to get a Beldum here. Dragon Ball Zenkai Battle Royale Pc Download. Man the one that frustrated me the most was the Chrysolia Forest to get through the main story and the Eevee. Yeah Reborn is definitely one the hardest fan made games to play considering you literally have to search the ends of Earth for little puzzles just to get some good Pokemon. This I imagine will be quite advanced, as I havent got that far into Map Editting etc.(Feb 24, 2015, 07:03 PM)Black117 Wrote: Oh Amethyst she definitely knows how to make a good level design. Pokémon games have been everyone’s favourite.They are the most sold roms.Nearly every child around the globe,is or has been a Pokéfan.This instructable is about how to start hacking pokemon gba roms to customize the graphics, dialogue, levels, gameplay, and/or other elements. With the below tools, you can edit original ROM and make your Hack to enjoy or share to everybody.

(I would do this in B2W2 as well at a later date when I finally play through that) This page is for people who want to create own Pokemon ROM Hacks. I would set it to be captured at Lvl 70 so there is the option of catching both of the Yin & Yang Dragons. I have just finished playing through Black & White, and I was wondering if it is possible to make the version alternate Dragon (Zekrom in Black, Reshiram in White) appear in Dragon Spiral Tower in the Post-Game?

This is to go with the increased level challenges I am giving myself (along with changing the Pkmn Evolutions to not require trading which I have already done successfully)Ģ). Regigigas to Lvl 70, The Regis to Lvl 40 atleast, Arceus to Lvl 100, Giratina to Lvl 50, Heatran to Lvl 70) Change the levels of Legendary Pokemon - I cannot for the life of me find out how to change these, I have only managed to do Wild Pokemon so far.īasically I want to change a few levels in Platinum and slightly change their movepools: However the two main things I want to try and learn how to do are:ġ). For now, all of the tutorials that we have released so. Eventually, I would like to make a GoogleDoc for a comprehensive hacking guide for the subreddit, but thats still a ways away. I have recently got into ROM Hacking and had a lot of fun playing with Wild Pokemon Levels, Trainer Pokemon Levels and tweaking difficulties etc. Hello r/PokemonROMhacks browniebiznatch here with the new and improved ROM hacking guide I will post all of the tutorials in this thread with a link on the sidebar.